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Workshops and Conferences

We have organized several national/international workshops in Past along with an international workshop.

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SASAA (Workshop Series)

We are pleased to announce the workshop series on “Scientific Applications in South Asian Archaeology: An integrative platform for research on reconstruction of the past.” This workshop series was conceived by Assistant Prof. Maanasa Raghavan, the University of Chicago, and Dr. Niraj Rai, BSIP, Lucknow, who lead ancient genetics research groups in their respective institutions and are long-term collaborators.



International Conference

Primary objective of this meeting was to encourage multidisciplinary investigations in archaeological sciences in the country by considering challenges and unanswered questions unique to the region.  The conference was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The scientific organizing team consists of: Dr. Niraj Rai (BSIP, Lucknow), Dr. Maanasa Raghavan (University of Chicago) and Dr. Ajmal Shah (University of Kashmir, Srinagar).

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